About us

Bhutan Our country and is Situated between the emerging superpowers of India and China, the
isolated Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan, hailed by some as ‘the last Shangri-La’, has generated one of the highest numbers of refugees in the world in proportion to its population.

Since 1990 over one sixth of Bhutan's people have sought asylum in Nepal, India and other countries around the world.
The vast majority of the refugees are Lhotshampas, one of Bhutan’s three main ethnic groups, who were forced to leave Bhutan in the early 1990s. There is ample evidence, as documented by Amnesty International and other human rights organisations, that the expulsion of large numbers of Lhotshampas was planned and executed with meticulous attention to detail.
Over 105,000 Bhutanese have spent more than 19 years living in REFUGEE CAMP established in Nepal by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees.(UNHCR)in eastern parts of Nepal  in seven  different camp

Thousands more are living outside the camps in Nepal and India, and some in North America, Europe and Australia.
Since 2008 a resettlement process has seen many thousands of Bhutanese refugees from the camps in Nepal being re-settled primarily in the USA but also in Canada, Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Norway.
   And then,
this website tell you the real story of Bhutanese those who  are in HOUSTON TEXAS,USA.

Bhutanese Community of Houston History...

Bhutanese Community of Houston is the name of Bhutanese Community in Houston which established on July 1st 2009 by Bhadra Rai and other volunteer members.
     The Bhutanese Community of Houston is non profit organization which help to improve the Bhutanese living in and nears Houston Area. With the help of other non- profit organizations our goal is to help our people’s transition into America and make it a great experience. Our goal is to see community with jobs, steady income, sound health and a place to call home.

We would like to see all prosper here in the United States of America. So if you like to support this Community and have suggestions, please do not hesitate and contact @: bhutaneseinhouston@gmail.com
We lend our hands and hope the best for this new coming generation.
Remember=The past is gone as a Refugee,
            Present is full with opportunities,
           'And the future is the citizenship life"